Considering Otoplasty? Here's What You Need to Know

Your portrait, or front-facing appearance, is more affected by your ears than you might think. Large or flared ears can make your face seem wide, or give you a comical appearance. Extremely small ears can make your skull look oversized. Ear surgery, or otoplasty, can change the shape and position of your ears.
SLENT (South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics) has multiple locations throughout Slidell, Mandeville, and Hammond, Louisiana. Each location is staffed with doctors and plastic surgeons experienced in otoplasty procedures. We can help you determine if otoplasty is right for you.
What is otoplasty?
Otoplasty refers to the surgical procedure used to reshape ears for an even appearance. This cosmetic ear surgery can minimize the appearance of ears that are overly large or small, pin back ears that stick outwards, or correct abnormalities present at birth, such as fused lobes.
Otoplasty can be done when a patient is still a child, or later in adulthood if you’re unhappy with the appearance of your ears. There are very few risks associated with this surgery, so many people choose to have their children's surgery done early in life.
What you should know before getting an otoplasty
Before getting an otoplasty, your doctor will examine your or your child’s ears and discuss what type of otoplasty is appropriate. There are four main types:
Ear reduction
This is a common procedure for people with macrotia or abnormally large ears. It involves removing part of the outer ear to give your ears a smaller appearance.
Ear pinning
If you have ears that stick out noticeably far from your head, your surgery might involve pinning them closer to your skull.
Ear augmentation
This is the opposite of an ear reduction. If you have abnormally small or underdeveloped ears, your outer ear can be enhanced.
Earlobe freeing
Sometimes the bottom lobes of the ear are fused to the side of the face. A simple otoplasty can free the lobe so the ear looks more defined.
Is an otoplasty right for me?
It's important to have realistic expectations when going into any plastic surgery. Discuss with your doctor what you're hoping for from the surgery, and be certain you're prepared for the results.
A good surgeon will make sure you understand the surgery and are prepared for the recovery as well as any potential outcomes. Otoplasty is a fairly minor procedure, and you’ll be able to recover quickly.
If you're unhappy with the shape, size, or placement of your ears, otoplasty can correct these issues and give you a more natural appearance. To schedule a consultation with an experienced surgeon, call the SLENT office closest to you or contact us online.
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