The Secrets to a Natural-Looking Nose Job

You’re thinking of getting a nose job, but you’re afraid you’ll end up with a fake-looking nose that looks worse than the one you’ve replaced. 

Don’t worry. The team of doctors at South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics (SLENT) knows how to give you a natural-looking nose job that you’ll love.

Of course, you play an important role in your own rhinoplasty (the fancy word for a nose job). Here are five secrets to getting a natural-looking nose job. 

1. Be honest with your surgeon

Tell your surgeon everything, including your complete medical history and your aesthetic goals, because the more you divulge during your consultation, the better your doctor will understand your health, needs, and concerns.

2. Choose your new nose wisely 

SLENT surgeons can make a variety of changes to your nose, including:

Choose your rhinoplasty goals based on your most prominent concerns and what you find aesthetically appealing.

3. Pay attention to pre-op instructions 

The success of your nose job depends, in part, on the way you follow pre-op instructions.

Prior to your rhinoplasty, you might have to have lab tests taken, avoid certain medications, stop smoking, and prepare your home with items you’ll need for recovery, like plenty of nutritious foods and a comfortable place to rest. Failure to have tests done or to stop medications may result in the surgeon cancelling the procedure. Failure to prepare your home may result in an uncomfortable recovery.

4. Pay attention to post-op instructions 

Following your procedure, your surgeon will give you a list of critical instructions that will influence your recovery. Follow them to the letter, because they contain important steps on how to prevent complications.

You’ll be instructed on how to care for your new nose while it recovers, how and when to take your medications, and when you need to come in for a follow-up appointment.

5. Set realistic goals

Satisfaction with your new nose, in part, depends on going into surgery with realistic expectations. Cosmetic surgery can accomplish wonderful feats, but it is not a panacea.

Your new nose probably won’t change your life, especially if you have self-esteem problems that stem from other issues. A newly shaped nose can certainly enhance your features and bring balance to your face, but it won’t solve all your problems.

SLENT surgeons will explain to you what is possible and how they will create the most natural-looking nose for your face. It’s up to you to work on any underlying issues that will prevent you from being happy with the change.

To learn more about our natural-looking nose jobs and to schedule an appointment, call us at one of our locations or use our online form.

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