What Happens During and After Chin Implant Surgery

Chin implants are more popular than you might think. A small or recessed chin can leave much to be desired when it comes to making an imposing first appearance. Men and women alike seek out chin augmentation in hopes of strengthening their features. If you feel that your chin is too weak, an implant can remedy the problem permanently. 

At SLENT, with locations in Mandeville, Slidell, and Hammond, Louisiana, our otolaryngology specialists also provide plastic surgery options to improve the look of your face. Chin implants can make you feel stronger, more confident, and happier with how you look.  

How chin implants work

The chin might not be the first place you think to place an implant, but it’s one of the most impactful. Most people fixate on other aspects of their face, such as their skin quality, their cheekbones, or their nose. However, those with receding chins find it hard to focus on anything else. 

Retrogenia is typically a concern for men who want to look stronger and more masculine, or women who feel that their recessed jaw makes them look fearful or simple. A weak chin and undefined jawline are fixable through chin augmentation, or genioplasty. This is a relatively simple procedure that involves placing an implant under the skin at the front of your chin. 

During the procedure 

Chin augmentation can be performed one of two ways: intraorally or submentally. 

Entering through the mouth reduces scarring, but increases the risk of infection due to contamination from saliva and food. Making an incision under the chin is the more common choice, and it allows for more flexibility and control while placing the implant. The scar can often be hidden in a natural fold of skin.

Once we secure the implant in place using a suture, we put the mentalis muscle back in place and close the wound carefully, layer by layer. Genioplasty is a relatively minor cosmetic surgery, taking very little time to complete, and you can usually go home the same day.

Recovering from chin implant surgery

Following the procedure, our surgical staff monitors you for complications before clearing you to return home. Chin implant surgery doesn’t require much downtime, but you should take a short break from work and avoid social activities for at least two weeks. 

During this time, do your best to avoid strenuous exercise. Eat soft food, and keep the incision site clean. If you receive an intraoral implant, you’ll need to rinse your mouth on a regular basis. You should mention any signs of infection to your doctor immediately. 

Most chin implant surgeries have immediate and favorable results. To learn more and determine whether genioplasty is the right choice for you, schedule a consultation with the team at SLENT by calling the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more options.

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