When to Consider a Brow Lift

No one likes to be told their resting expression looks tired, angry, or sad. However, your brows naturally shift down as you age. While a skincare routine and sunscreen can help you avoid wrinkles, a brow lift might be necessary to correct a low brow, sagging forehead, or uneven eyebrows. 

SLENT, or South Louisiana Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastics, has multiple locations throughout Mandeville, Hammond, and Slidell, Louisiana. Our experienced otolaryngology specialists and plastic surgeons can perform a number of cosmetic procedures to improve your ENT health and appearance. 

How surgery lifts your features 

Brow lifts, or forehead lifts, work by raising the tissue of the forehead, then resecuring the skin over it to create a wrinkle-free resting face. This is a simple procedure that can be done in three ways

1. Endoscopic

Endoscopic brow lifts are done by making small incisions behind your hairline and using a miniaturized camera and tiny tools. Then, the skin of your forehead is lifted and secured in place for minimal scarring.

2. Coronal 

A coronal brow lift is done on the top of the head in one continuous incision, and then your overlapping scalp is sewn back into place. 

3. Hairline

A classic or hairline lift makes the incision along your hairline, and the doctor may remove excess skin as well before suturing the skin over lifted tissue.  

If you’re not sure about which technique is best for you, talk to your surgeon. 

When to consider a brow lift 

If your brow has shifted considerably over the years, you might feel self-conscious about the changes, and seek a younger, fresher visage. If you have a naturally low brow, sagging forehead, or uneven eyebrows, you might seek out a brow lift at a younger age.  

What to expect from your brow lift 

Before going in for your brow lift, you and your surgeon should have a clear understanding of what you expect from the procedure, how it works, and what recovery will be like. 

Before surgery

You should stop smoking and review your medications with your doctor before going in for surgery, and make sure to take time off from work or school. You should also postpone any big social appearances until after your surgery. 

After surgery

Once your surgeon feels that you’re safe to return home, you should keep your head elevated and stay on top of your pain medication. Don’t poke or prod at the incision site, and use cold compresses to alleviate swelling and pain. You might not be able to wash your hair until the sutures are taken out and healed. 

If you think you’re ready to pursue a brow lift, talking with a specialist can help you come to a decision. Schedule a consultation with the experts at SLENT by calling the location closest to you, or visit the contact page for more information. 

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